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Christian Education Ministry

To work closely with the Pastor and ministry leaders to insure that doctrinally sound and biblically correct educational material is used to teach and train the church family. The goal of this ministry is to positively influence the social, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives of the people.

Diaconate Ministry

To assist the Pastor in enhancing the spiritual life in the church by ministering to the needs of the people, visiting the sick, assisting with administering of the Lord’s Supper, preparing of candidates for baptism and winning souls for Christ.

Evangelism Ministry

Composed of committed believers who have been trained in effective witnessing skills. To win lost souls for Christ and to evangelize the work of the church by providing assistance to individuals in need.

Christian Education Ministry

To work closely with the Pastor and ministry leaders to insure that doctrinally sound and biblically correct educational material is used to teach and train the church family. The goal of this ministry is to positively influence the social, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives of the people.


To assist the Pastor in enhancing the spiritual life in the church by ministering to the needs of the people, visiting the sick, assisting with administering of the Lord’s Supper, preparing of candidates for baptism and winning souls for Christ.

Grief Support Ministry

The Grief Support Ministry shall provide support and an emotionally safe space for those grieving in the church and community.​


Composed of committed believers who have been trained in effective witnessing skills. To win lost souls for Christ and to evangelize the work of the church by providing assistance to individuals in need.​

Christian Education Ministry

To work closely with the Pastor and ministry leaders to insure that doctrinally sound and biblically correct educational material is used to teach and train the church family. The goal of this ministry is to positively influence the social, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives of the people.