Christian Education Ministry
To work closely with the Pastor and ministry leaders to insure that doctrinally sound and biblically correct educational material is used to teach and train the church family. The goal of this ministry is to positively influence the social, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives of the people.
Diaconate Ministry
To work closely with the Pastor and ministry leaders to insure that doctrinally sound and biblically correct educational material is used to teach and train the church family. The goal of this ministry is to positively influence the social, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives of the people.
Drama Ministry
The Drama Ministry, filled and guided by the power of the Holy Spirit, shall serve faithfully in the true Spirit of God’s Holy Word displaying an attitude of unity and harmony using our God given gifts and talents to minister in creative presentations and performances to the glory of God and the edification of God’s people.
Evangelism Ministry
Composed of committed believers who have been trained in effective witnessing skills. To win lost souls for Christ and to evangelize the work of the church by providing assistance to individuals in need.
Grief Support Ministry
The Grief Support Ministry shall provide support and an emotionally safe space for those grieving in the church and community.
Health and Wellness Ministry
To promote a well balanced lifestyle for healthy living within the church family. To meet the physical needs of the congregation in the event of an emergency requiring medical attention. To educate and promote healthy living throughout the body of Christ.
Hospitality Ministry
To promote the spirit of the Lord by serving the family of God nutritious quality food deliciously prepared for all occasions as requested by the church.
Media Ministry
To provide direction and assistance to all ministries for media production, to maintain the church’s website and all media notification for all church functions.
Men’s Ministry
To reach out to men, to help them grow spiritually and mentally in Christ. To build them up to work in God’s kingdom and to equip them for spiritual leadership in their families, church and community.
Music Ministry
Composed of committed believers who serve the church by using their talents to sing God’s music to enhance the worship service. They serve under the direction of the Minister of Music and are expected to travel with the Pastor as deemed.
Pastor’s Aid
To provide assistance to the Pastor and First Lady with material and spiritual support. To coordinate the pastor’s anniversary with the church staff and supply the pulpit with items needed for all services.
Praise Dance Ministry
To honor and edify God through dance. We seek to enhance the worship service by glorifying the Lord through praise, worship and dance, being sure to put God first while realizing that our praise is for the glory of God.
Safety and Security Ministry
To ensure that God’s people can worship God in a place where they are safe and free from danger. The ministry seeks to provide the service of protection to all who enters into worship and to cover the grounds of the church as well as the sanctuary, classrooms, offices and fellowship hall. Their goal is to provide support at all functions involving the church.
Senior Ministry
To focus on the needs and well-being of the senior citizens of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church and surrounding communities. We will teach the Word of God and provide fun, interesting and informative activities. We will serve our seniors by listening to their needs and concerns, encouraging positive thinking and lifting self-esteem. We will provide them with the opportunity to fellowship and communicate with other seniors.

Singles’ Ministry
The FOCUS Ministry (Fellowship of Christian Unified Singles) shall empower, inspire, and motivate individuals to walk in God’s Word and glorify Him with their lives as singles. This goal will be achieved through the continual spiritual growth in the areas of character, maturity, and stability through fellowship with one another.
Steward Ministry
Composed of church members who possess the ability to manage the resources of the church. They serve as custodians and administrators of church funds and property.
Usher Ministry
Composed of church members who serve the church by enhancing the worship service. They provide a friendly, cheerful greeting to all who enters into God’s house. They maintain order and stand ready to serve the people of God.
Women’s Ministry
To unify women to build a caring community where all discover and develop their God given gifts. Connect women by offering meaningful relationships, accountability and acceptance and serve to reach others for Christ locally and globally.
Young Adult Ministry
Composed of young adults who provide spiritual growth throughout the church and community for young people. This ministry provides the young adults with purpose, direction and growth within the church family.
Youth Ministry
To provide ministry direction to young people that will enable them to live a productive life by helping to develop them spiritually, socially, emotionally, and intellectually through the power of God.